CA3046 | INTERSIL | electronic part

Pegasus IDPart NumberManufacturerProduct groupArticle groupArticle typeDate CodePackageValuesQuantityAvailability
24564CA3046INTERSILActive Componentstransistor0310DIP14
in Stockinfos

More parts with partnumber CA3046 / other possibilities for CA3046

The following parts differ in date code, quantity and/or availability from the part above. Please note that parts marked as 'available' are not in stock and will be requested via third party suppliers.

Pegasus IDPart NumberManufacturerProduct groupArticle groupArticle typeDate CodePackageValuesQuantityAvailability
16329016CA3046RCA 5Availableinfos
13922923CA3046 10Availableinfos
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180981CA3046SGS ThomsonActive ComponentsIC8723DIP14 5in Stockinfos
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35372CA3046MINTERSILActive Componentstransistor0218SO14 50in Stockinfos